éliminer les infections liées aux versen Afrique subsaharienne et mettre en œuvre la feuille de route de l'OMS 2021-2030

Institut National de Recherche Biomedicale

Founded in 1984, INRB serves as the National Biomedical Research Laboratory for the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It is a multidisciplinary Institute that collectively has decades of experience in the identification, treatment and prevention of diseases in the DRC. Since 2018, INRB has been a World Health Organization Collaborating Center. Its primary missions are disease surveillance, research, training and clinical analyses. INRB has an extensive collaboration with several universities and research institutions worldwide (Africa, Europe, America and Asia) within the research and training projects framework.

Rôle au sein de eWHORM

INRB will play a major role in the "Clinical trial conduct and biobanking" work package and focus on onchocerciasis. INRB will also be involved in the "Establishment of a master trial protocol and related documents" and "Implementation of highly sensitive diagnostic assays" work packages.

Logo of Institut National de Recherche Biomedicale


Photo of Jean Jacques Muyembe Tamfum
Jean Jacques Muyembe Tamfum
Director General
Photo of Dieudonne Mumba Ngoyi
Dieudonne Mumba Ngoyi

Onchocerciasis is a very important public health problem, affecting not only the health of individuals but also significantly hindering the development of endemic countries. Combating onchocerciasis, as we will do through this e-whorm consortium, would significantly improve the quality of life in these countries.

- Dieudonne Mumba Ngoyi