Eliminating worm infectionsin sub-saharan africa and enabling the who's road map 2021-2030

Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures - Joint Working Group of the ROeS and the German Region of the International Biometric Society

Ibiza, April 25-26th, 2024

The Working Group of Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures held this year's workshop at Hotel Vibra Algarb in Ibiza from 25 to 26 April 2024.

A total of 66 researchers registered to discuss and share recent developments in statistical aspects of clinical trials. The keynote speakers were Dominic Magirr from Novartis Pharma AG, who gave a lecture on “Deconstructing the Max-combo Test,” and Annette Kopp-Schneider from the German Cancer Research Center, who presented “Borrowing from external information in clinical trials: methods, benefits and limitations.”

The workshop included two invited sessions, “Methodological and practical outcomes from the Adaptive Designs Working Group of the MRC-NIHR Trials Methodology Research Partnership” and “Practical experiences of using software to design clinical trials using simulations,” as well as seven contributed sessions.

Sonja Zehetmayer from the Medical University of Vienna introduced the statistical aspects of the eWHORM study design and gave a lecture entitled “An adaptive trial design for the treatment of worm infections.”